02 March 2017
Eröffnungskonzert Pierre Boulez Saal
Anna Prohaska über Bachs Johannes-Passion
Serpent & Fire – MDR recording of the year

It was an honour and adventure for Anna Prohaska to produce the first sounds of a singing voice in front of an audience in the Pierre Boulez Saal - Berlin’s new chamber music hall designed by architect Frank Gehry and acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota. It was built into the massive storage space for set decorations next to the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin. In 2003 Anna had performed in this “Magazin” marking her first engagement at the Staatsoper. To be part of the reinvention of this space after so many years with the Staatsoper’s General Music Director and founder of the Barenboim-Said Academy Daniel Barenboim on piano and renowned composer and clarinettist Jörg Widmann brings a very personal circle for her to a close, alongside the trememdous socio-political significance of this inauguration.
About the hall
- “Bei Franz Schuberts Der Hirt auf dem Felsen mit Barenboim am Klavier, Klarinettist Widmann und Sopranistin Anna Prohaska wird deutlich, dass der Raum auch eine melancholische Seite hat. Es ist der klangsinnliche Höhepunkt.” http://www.morgenpost.de/kultu...
- Kulturradio RRB: http://www.kulturradio.de/reze...
- Anaclase: la musique au jour le jour http://www.anaclase.com/chroni...
As on her CD booklet and concert tour of Behind the Lines in 2014, Anna chose an outfit by Berlin designer Esther Perbandt http://estherperbandt.com/