27 November 2016
“Jephtha” – Dutch opera debut
Serpent & Fire – MDR recording of the year
Serpent & Fire

Anna Prohaska gives her Dutch opera debut after a recent success with arias for “Dido and Cleopatra” the the Concertgebouw’s Groote Zaal. She appears in Handel’s staged Oratorio “Jephtha” as the title character’s daughter Iphis, who is to be sacrificed by her warrior father to win the war. Having worked with Claus Guth on revivals of his Don Giovanni and Così fan Tutte at the Salzburg Festival it was especially exciting to create a new character from scratch with him. Ivor Bolton conducts the baroque orchestra Concerto Köln who she has just collaborated with on Rameau’s “Les Indes Galantes” at the Munich Opernfestspiele last summer after numerous concerts in Salzburg. She is also re-united with friend and long-time colleague Bejun Mehta from Agrippina and Orféo ed Euridice (Staatsoper Berlin).
- “Het grootste applaus ging echter naar Anna Prohaska (Iphis), de Oostenrijkse, meisjesachtige coloratuursopraan, die met haar kleurrijke, lichte stem zo veel losmaakte dat je vanuit alle kanten van het publiek gesnik hoorde. (The biggest applause was for Anna Prohaska: her light, colorful voice was so deeply moving that from every corner of the hall soft sobbing could be heard.)” https://www.volkskrant.nl/recensies/schilderachtig-jephta-kent-fantastische-zang~a4412918/
- “Top-flight singing came from Anna Prohaska as Iphis and countertenor Bejun Mehta as her beloved, Hamor. Their penetrant voices blended gorgeously. As actors they conveyed an unfettered joy in each other’s physicality, making Iphis’ enforced virginity all the more tragic. Prohaska employed her bell-like soprano with complete stylistic mastery.” https://bachtrack.com/de_DE/review-handel-jephtha-guth-dutch-national-opera-november-2016
- “Aber auch bei der verstummt verklärten, gottesverzückten und -verrückten Iphis, der Anna Prohaska vollendetes Englisch und ihren quecksilbrigen Sopran leiht.” – https://www.welt.de/kultur/article159780836/So-finden-Sie-Trost-in-diesen-dunklen-Tagen.html